Watch this case study where I show how the lessons learned from managing DR spots on TV helped us to best exploit and scale a Facebook Video Ad campaign. I break down how we scaled a Facebook Video Ad campaign from $100/day to $12k/day in 3 weeks.
Based on my experience running over a half a billion dollars in media, we knew where to be and what to look for to capture the demand we generated from spending profitably into 20 million views! It also turns out that Facebook Video Ads have a lot more in common with Infomercials than you might think.
Do you know any video production compant that can make infomercial video from pre-production (copywriting/script, casting) , production (shooting) and post production (editing,etc)?
feel free to shoot me a note – – and let me know what business you’re in, a sense of scale you’re at today, and anything else you think that’s relevant. there are various folks who do so, but depending on your product/service, etc., i can’t suggest anyone. -babak